About Christopher

I am an educator and researcher working in K-12, higher ed, and digital learning spaces, focusing on practices of social justice and climate justice in my educational modules.

In my classroom, I explicitly challenge my students not to stop at their habits of suspicion and critique. I challenge to move deeper into the liminal space between what is and what ought to be. Through the frame of anticipation, I guide students to constructively reimagine their historical embodiment in order to reorder their communities towards ecological justice, regeneration, and mutual flourishing. Each classroom becomes an anticipatory community, in which students can discover mutual sources of empowerment and reinforced community bonding in and for these precarious times.

My research focuses on the question of how we anticipate regenerative pathways forward, rooted in ecological and climate justice, amidst our emerging entangled planetary crises of the 21st Century. I especially focus on the concept of anticipatory communities as analog and digital spaces of integral ecological well-being. My work as a public intellectual emerges from the fertile creative spaces where nature and culture intersect and interact.

Eager for you to explore my corner of the universe. My webpage gives you an opportunity to explore my teaching philosophy and practices, academic research, my writing and media portfolio, and how you may hire me for your own educational and content creation needs.

Looking forward to personal and professional engagement with you